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Forgetting to notify staff of the test.
Forgetting to notify the Alarm Receiving Centre (ARC) of the test.
If your system is remotely monitored, make sure to notify your ARC of your planned test so that they do not dispatch an emergency response.
Not testing the backup power source.
If your system has a backup power source, it too should be tested to ensure that the system is fully operational in the event of a fire.
Not investigating false alarms.
If your fire alarm system is malfunctioning, find out why. It is essential to investigate and rectify the root cause of all false alarms to ensure that when the alarm sounds, it is for a genuine reason.
Not integrating your system correctly.
If your building has a heating, ventilation and air conditioning system, your alarm system should be correctly integrated so that it works optimally at all times.
For advice about your fire alarm system or to purchase appropriate test equipment, please contact Detector Testers today.
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