What's important when choosing a smoke aerosol?

What's important when choosing a smoke aerosol?

Smoke aerosols offer a reliable and efficient way of functionally testing smoke detectors, they are the test method of choice for many fire professionals and are most commonly used within a Solo 330 dispenser.

Our support team are occasionally asked for information on the contents of our aerosols as users seek assurances that the contents are safe to use on site and won’t cause harm to the detector itself. 

This is an interesting and extremely important point. Fire detectors are in place to protect lives and property, the tools used to test them need to be considerate of this – the test solution you use should not put them at risk.

Solo aerosols are the result of years of research. They do not contain silioxane (part of the silicone family), which, although an active ingredient to activate detectors, has several disadvantages. It has a high boiling point of over 200°C so relies on air movement for clearing. 

In an environment with little air movement this means the content will eventually drop and build up on surfaces. Being part of the silicone family means when it drops it won’t leave that surface or worse could act as a glue for attracting dust and dirt.

Of course, detector manufacturers recommend a safe and approved method for testing their detectors. When it comes to detector manufacturer approvals – nothing comes close to Solo – with approval from all the leading detector manufacturers supported by many of them also stocking the product and using it in the test labs and at tradeshows.

The industry's most popular test solution - the Solo 330 dispenser

Finally, the industry’s most popular test solution – the Solo 330– was designed alongside the Solo aerosol range. The design of the dispenser and the nozzle and valve used on the aerosol are designed to work together. Other aerosols may ‘work’ in the dispenser, but are not optimised for use in our dispenser which could impact discharge rates and compromise number of tests. 

Solo aerosols remain the fire industry’s most popular solution for functional testing of smoke detectors. Contact us for more information and further insight into what makes them the No. 1.

WATCH: Insight into the main features of the Solo 330 & 332 dispensers, and information on the updated range of Solo aerosols.

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