Testifire XTR2 Frequently Asked Questions

How do I buy a subscription?
Visit https://detectortesters-connect.com/
to register your new device and purchase a
subscription. If this is your first Testifire XTR2,
you will need to create an account and register
your company first.

Why do I need a subscription?
A subscription is required to enable functionality
of Testifire XTR2 and provide access to the
Detectortesters Connect App and Cloud Portal

What do I get with my subscription?
A subscription provides functionality of
Testifire XTR2 and enables connection with the
Detectortesters Connect App and cloud portal
for digital test reports and advanced test modes

I am trying to subscribe a device but the
“subscribe” button is not active, why ?
This is because your company account is “not
verified” or “pending” verification. You can check
the status of your company account by logging
in to the cloud portal and checking what it says
next to the “detectortesters” logo in the top
right of the screen. If “not verified” or has been
“pending” for more than a week please contact

Can I cancel my subscription if I don’t want
it anymore?
Yes. A subscription can be cancelled at any time
and it will terminate and the end of the current
billing period. Once a subscription ends, Testifire
XTR2 will require a new subscription to enable
functionality again

How do I cancel my subscription ?
Go to cloud portal - click on “manage
subscriptions” - identify subscription you would
like to cancel by finding correct serial number -
click on “cancel plan”

Why can’t I unregister my device even after
unsubscribing ?
You have to wait for the end of the billing period
so that the subscription is terminated before
unregistering the device from your company
account on the cloud portal

Can I use Testifire XTR2 without a
Testifire XTR2 has a 7 day grace period in which
it can be used without a subscription which
begins at the point of first power on. Testifire
XTR2 will stop functioning after 7 days if a
subscription has not been purchased.

How many subscriptions do I need for my
Testifire XTR2?
Testifire XTR2 subscriptions are one per
device. Every tester will need its own individual

How much does a subscription cost?
Subscription prices vary from region to region.
Contact Sales@Detectortesters.com for more

How often do I need to pay my
Subscriptions to Detectortesters Connect are
a monthly recurring payment and will be taken
on the same date in each month following initial
subscription activation

How do I pay for a subscription?
A subscription can be paid using a credit or
debit card. The following payment methods
are accepted: Visa, Mastercard, American
Express, Discover, Diners Club, China UnionPay
payments, BACS, SEPA Direct Debit

How do I change my payment method?
Go to the cloud portal - click on “manage
subscriptions” - here you can add payment